To create a working relationship between the District and its ratepayers that is built on
trust, openness and honesty through a process of continual communication and education
requiring public involvement.

To manage the South Berwick Water District's assets to assure residents and businesses
of a continuous supply of quality water for all uses and purposes, including maintaining
adequate pressures for superior fire protection.

To adhere to a financial system where ratepayers pay for all operation, maintenance
and capital improvements through a rate structure and fees that are fair and just, and
are periodically adjusted to reflect the actual operating and capital requirements of
the District.

To obtain fair compensation for any divested water rights, and ensure proper utilization
of the existing storage, transmission, distribution and treatment systems developed and
owned by the Districts' ratepayers.

To maintain an operating level sufficient to plan for and provide the best-cost efficient
water service by anticipating both short and long-term District needs through adhering
to high operating standards, controls and efficiencies.

To continue to provide a superior quality of water that meets all Federal and State
standards by upgrading testing and treatment facilities as required.

To maintain a water supply sufficient for the essential needs of and for the preservation
of public health and safety.

To participate with and maintain communication and cooperation between the District,
the Towns of South Berwick and Berwick, the South Berwick Sewer District, and School
Administrative District 35 through the establishment of partnerships that better express
the visions, efforts and goals of the separate entities sharing common concerns.

To promote water conservation and efficient use of the District's available water supplies
and facilities through education, and in our own planning process as a cost-effective method
of increasing yield by reducing demand.

To give full consideration to environmental concerns in order to mitigate any adverse
environmental impact of District projects.

To maintain a professionally trained staff in accordance with the District's policy of
Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action.  

To promote a positive public image of the District, and increase public awareness of
its mission, objectives and performance.